Transformational Sound Therapy


Geometry underlies all of creation, through the laws of universal harmony and sympathetic resonance. Platonic solids form the foundations of the physical third dimensional world, with repeating mathematical sequences, the principles of sonic geometry, and the natural spiral seen throughout the Universe, within Nature, and all of her creation. This wisdom has been mirrored in the building of our stone circles, ancient monuments and sacred temples, with the same measurements found repeated across the world. 

We are One with all that is.

When our consciousness aligns with the oneness of creation, we return to our natural state of harmony. 

When our collective consciousness aligns, we will ascend to a state of bliss and union, where we may thrive together, as One, on our beautiful planet.

 Weaving ancient wisdom, Indigenous and shamanic practises with cutting edge science and technology, the world’s leading trailblazers and pioneers explore the fascinating worlds of therapeutic sound and the voice in our unique, ground breaking members circle.

Discover myriads of ways sound, frequency and the voice can be used to relieve trauma and stress, restoring harmony and health to body, mind and soul.


 “The Future of Medicine is Sound”


In bringing together the world’s greatest minds in the fields of sound, frequency and the voice, we are able to gain a deeper insight and understanding of the miracle of life through the world of sound and vibration, that we may re-member, as our ancestors once did, how to live in harmony with our natural world.

Become a member of our new members circle today and immerse in a rich resource of cutting edge information and ancient wisdom with our pioneering speakers.

Join us in this fascinating journey of discovery, remembering and self empowerment through the world of harmonic sound, vibration, frequency, the Golden Spiral, sonic geometry, cymatics, binaural beats and the healing powers of the voice.

With over 45 speakers interviews, course modules in sound and voice healing and alignment with our divine nature, live calls, and cutting edge info on the best ways to detox and stay in optimum health …

“You are a genius and a master of ceremonies. You have created a jewel that will go on shining and will ring out across time.”

Lawrence Bloom, 

Be Earth Foundation

~ Transformational Sound Therapy ~

sonic harmonic community